Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Can't Sleep, Thesis Will Eat Me

I know I have been remiss in writing here lately, and I greatly appreciate the number of comments/questions. Too bad it has taken me so long to get back. I shall blame it on writing my thesis. After spending an entire day writing (or staring at a blinking cursor, trying to write-depending on how good my day is) I just don't seem to want to write more on my blog. Although, this is much more fun. 

But with all of the writing I have been doing, I have had the luck of getting a paper published. It is one I have been working on for more time than I care, but the scientific community has agreed to publish it (who am I to argue?) so here is a link to my paper , just to prove that I am a real scientist with actual real credentials. 

I intend to write something here soon, but please don't let my slow response keep you from reading, or asking questions. 

Chemistry is awesome!


  1. At times like that, it would certainly be helpful to have a break every once in a while to avoid stress cause by thesis writing. It can also help refresh the mind that is great when tackling with thesis topic. Anyway, I do hope everything went well with your thesis project. How is it now?

    1. Everything is great now, thanks for asking. I am now officially Dr. Brenna Brown and I have started a new, non-grad school job. Thanks for the words of encouragement.
