I am part of a team of disaster management volunteers and was deployed on May 15th to assist the victims of the Northern Alberta fires. As I drove north, on my way to High Prairie, Alberta, the landscape became an eerie red colour. The road, the treeline, the areas recovering from fires ten years past, all were covered in a red film. That red film was flame retardant and that image was the inspiration for today's blog entry: chemistry of flame retardants.
Flame retardants are actually the second most common additive to the polymers that make up the various materials on which our modern western culture has become so reliant: these include polystyrenes, polyesters, epoxy resins, polyethylenes, polyurethanes. Take a look around your home: chances are you are currently using a computer, the circuitry, the wiring, and the casing is comprised of these polymers. Many textiles: curtains, upholstery, and clothing are also comprised of these polymers. Anything in your household that is "plastic" is made of these polymers. Why might adding a flame retardant be so important? These polymers are made of hydrocarbons-they come from petroleum, just like the fuel used in combustion engines. Anything made of a hydrocarbon (a chemical that is rich with hydrogen-carbon bonds) burns really well. Flame retardants are, therefore, used to prevent or minimise the risk of fire. The use of flame retardants have been documented as early as 450 BC, when Egyptians used alum (potassium aluminum sulfate hydrate) to reduce the flammability of wood. In the 17th century, Parisian theatre curtains were made "incombustible" by soaking them in a mixture of clay and gypsum. In 1735, the first patent was taken out on fire retardants.
There are four classes of flame retardants: inorganic, halogenated organic, organophophorous, and nitrogen-based. I don't actually know what flame retardant was sprayed on the land during the Northern Alberta fires. (A quick Google search suggests that it could be some mixture of ammonia based compounds-take that at face value since there is no verification on its make up and therefore I cannot comment on any environmental impact.) The flame retardants that I will write about today are halogenated organic, specifically brominated flame retardants. In chemistry, the term "organic" refers to chemicals that are rich in the element carbon. Halogens are in the 17th column (the second last) of the periodic table. The elements are, in descending order, fluorine, chlorine, bromine, iodine, and astatine. A halogenated organic compound is one where halogens are bonded to carbons.
How might flame retardants prevent combustion? Combustion is an oxidative (this is why the presence of oxygen in fires is so critical) gas phase reaction. The process of combustion can be broken down into four steps: preheating, volatilisation/decomposition (the reaction takes place in the gas phase-volatilisation is this phase change), combustion, and propagation. A flame retardant will target any one of these steps to prevent combustion. Halogenated flame retardants target the propagation step. In the propagation step, many free radicals are produced, which are what continues the chemical reactions in the burning process. A free radical is a chemical that has an unpaired electron-which makes them really reactive. I stated earlier that halogens were in the second last column of the periodic table; the last column is the noble gas column. (Helium, neon, argon, krypton, xenon, radon.) These gases are considered to be "inert". What separates the halogens from noble gases is one electron. If a halogen can get one electron then they can be as inert (and therefore happy) as a noble gas. If radicals lose one electron, then they have all their electrons paired and are super happy and unreactive too.
Halogenated flame retardants are added to a material. If this material is lit on fire then the carbon-halogen bond will break, releasing the halogen into the gas phase-which is where the combustion is taking place. The halogen will find and capture radicals (the term used to describe this process is "scavenge") and will prevent the fire from continuing. Certain halogens are better at scavenging radicals than others. Iodine is actually the most efficient halogen at radical capture, fluorine is least efficient. But this is not the only property considered. The strength of the carbon-halogen bond is also important to consider. The halogen-carbon bond has to be strong enough not to degrade before the combustion temperature is reached, otherwise the halogen will be lost and therefore unable to capture any radicals. But if the bond is too strong then the halogen will never be released into the gas phase, and also will be unable to capture any radicals. It turns out that the carbon-fluorine bond is too strong and degrades at too high of a temperature. Fluorine is not a good flame retardant choice-it has poor efficiency, and too strong of a bond. Iodine is also a poor choice as a flame retardant. Though it has good radical capture ability, the carbon-iodine bond is too weak, and therefore degrades at too low of a temperature. This leaves chlorine, and bromine. While both are used in flame retardants, bromine is the halogen of choice because of its increased radical capture efficiency over chlorine, and the carbon-bromine bonds break at a lower, more ideal temperature for use as a flame retardant.
The carbon part of the flame retardant is not part of the "flame retardant ability". It is present to hold the bromine (or chlorine) in a manner that doesn't interfere with the polymer function, but will allow it to be released upon decomposition in the flame. Some of the flame retardants are actually chemically bonded into the polymer, these are things like brominated styrenes, or tetrabromobisphenol-A. Other brominated flame retardants are simply mixed into the polymer and are not chemically bonded to the polymer, these are things like polybrominated diphenylethers, or hexabromocyclodocanes.
Coming next: The Chemistry of Flame Retardants: Part Two-Environmental Impact of Brominated Flame Retardants.
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